2 Tapes; second tape: Jeff Surak

This release is entitled:  Skull Cloud.  It is available for purchase here: http://www.zeromoon.com

There are a select few with the tenacity to make/release a tape these days.  If this means you, congratulations.  You’ve significantly upped the odds in the listener’s (and your) favor. The medium, however obscure, elicits a hidden experience – personal.  I think you are pulled into this prophetic disintegration, of information and of packaging, the result of which is a very special truth (though perhaps it is Mr. Surak who professes and offers us this truth.  (Actually it definitely is)).  Regardless, the taped experience is yours, there is no one else hearing it.

This tape is like a silent movie gone viral.  You sense a lot of people walking around in it: Buddhist Monks displaced in Glasgow.  Entire societies are collectively waking to the fact that this IS the utopia.  Not utopia in the vein of Voltarian farce but of energetic necessity, as in thunder, lost highways, Skull Cloud).

The more intensely we listen to this tape the more we feel a mass awakening and know, in our sterna, this is proof.  The utopia as lateral breakdown, collision of omnidirectional danger not adhered to and frictive breakdown of the System.  Accomplished by the very small, the point at which the small goes whole, a quantum parachute.

I want to stay in this sound.  At least until I recover my soul.  This darkness, post-apocalypse, however you chew it, has Wisdom.  Many lives lived in one.  It’s therapy, rooted in the nature of atmospheric pressure and industrial meaninglessness, saved by attentiveness to sound.  Witnessing.  Minimal oxidation and vans and barnacles that no one else notices.  Hands pulling and twisting knobs with the utmost delicacy (and derision). Most of all there is sacrifice.  Living/breathing in this sonic landscape/portal.  Collective stupefaction/religious superstition will be squelched by a single listening to this tape.

Plenty would run from this darkness, this post-pulse.  I pity them.  This is what the God’s Honest Truth sounds like.

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